Bug Bounty

Aegis AI is provides a bug bounty Program, a initiative that engages the community in identifying and resolving possible vulnerabilities of smart contracts, as part of our commitment to strengthening the security of smart contracts. This is how it works:

  • Crowdsourced Evaluation of Security:

Developers, security aficionados, and ethical hackers in our community are welcome to participate in our Bug Bounty Program and actively evaluate the security of your smart contracts. By using a crowdsourcing method, possible vulnerabilities are identified from a variety of perspectives.

  • Incentives for Reporting:

By using our safe and private reporting system, participants are encouraged to disclose any vulnerabilities they find. This offers an extra degree of protection and encourages people to appropriately report possible problems for quick fixes.

  • Detailed Scope:

A comprehensive analysis of the security posture of your contract is guaranteed by the Bug Bounty Program, which covers a wide variety of smart contract features. Everything is scrutinized, including data processing and money activities, which makes it an extensive and efficient security testing system.

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